2023 – 24: an update

The Parish Council have been busy over the past year, so here are a few of our achievements:

The Common has been strimmed and cut three times, and I think we can all agree that it looks a lot better. Three varieties of Sorbus were planted there to mark the Queen’s Jubilee, and subsequently to celebrate her life. One of the three is a Service Tree, which we all decided was the perfect species to mark such an occasion

As well as the Common, our team has also strimmed the lane leading from the bus shelter to the village centre, making it easier for drivers and pedestrians alike. Many of you will also have noticed that the bus shelter looks a lot nicer. The men from the Grange Shed came up, at our invitation, and they have spruced it up with some donated paint and a bit of TLC. In the summer we plan to further enhance its appearance with some troughs of flowers

More traffic mirrors have been installed, and there will soon be another at the second Wood Broughton exit. We are in the process of getting the signposts repaired and repainted, as appropriate, as some of them are looking quite tired

The defibrillator is now installed on the wall outside the Parish Rooms. We test it regularly, and – although we hope that we never have to use it – it is ready for action should the need arise

There are more things that we are working on, so watch this space, and – if there is anything that you would like us to do, then please come along to one of our meetings and we will try to help

This entry was posted on 22nd January 2024